Category Archives: recommendation

“Perfect Games” by The Broken West

Too lazy to come up with original material, although I’ve got a gazillion things going on in my head. Chinese class, signing a gym contract, etc.

Enjoy this video of a song I totally love. The video isn’t like OMG, this is crazy film making! More like, this is a rad song, and I can’t help but rock out when it comes on, and the video is kind of fun. Play it, watch it, rock out like me. Just don’t resist it. Thanks for sticking around.

Oh, and am I wrong? It looks like there’s a scene shot, around 1:22, on Santa Monica Blvd somewhere between Fairfax and La Brea? As in, my old home? Vodpod videos no longer available.


Single Ladies devastation and follow up interview

I can’t get enough of this video! “Single Ladies” is the song that just keeps giving.

I like the video owner’s comment:

So my 3 year old. He apparently loves the song Single Ladies by Beyonce. Little did I know how much he loves that song. I was simply making a point that he, in fact, is not a single lady. I thought he would laugh and keep singing.
Man was I wrong.
Notice Sohaila, my oldest daughter, in the center seat.

I also found this follow up interview with MSNBC on the dad’s website.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Breaking up for Christmas

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "breaking up for christmas", posted with vodpod

Here’s the accompanying description for this spirited number –

Nothing says holiday spirit like breaking up just in time for Christmas. the breakups (featuring the sweet hurt) bring you a new holiday classic yule be singing to your grandkids. Enjoy!


written by Jake Gideon & Brandon Schott
lead vocals: Jake Gideon & Wendy Wang
background vocals: Lindsay Barnett, Maria DeLuca, Corinne Dinner, Parisa Fakhri, Lexy Feuer, Jillinda Palmer, Jonathan Price, Jim Saunders, Greg Weigel
recorded at the bait shop (hollywoodland, ca)
mixed by: Jake Gideon & Robert Bonilla

Who needs the gym?

It’s 9:30 a.m.. My head hurts as it has all week because I’ve been sick. I hope for a speedy recovery because Jason and Nia’s wedding is today and I prefer to have an awesome time, i.e. dance big.

I need to re-hem my dress because I hemmed it way too short last night (you can see my butt if I bend over at a 5-degree angle). I tend to do that because I’m 5’2″ so I can pull off supershort hemlines but I go overboard sometimes.

I’m comforting myself with a second bowl of Trader Joe’s Super Premium Ultra Chocolate ice cream.

I feel antsy to go to the gym or take a dance class but my aching body says “no.”

I check out my Google Reader and see I have unread items from the Single Ape. As usual, Steven majorly impresses me from all the wit and wisdom he dispenses.

Then I watch this video he posted, and my cardio got going from all the laughing. I feel much better about not going out for my exercise.

No more tears

No more teeeaaaars / ’cause I’m hooked on Johnson’s / for yeeeaaars….Did you know I have a knack for remembering TV commercial jingles? Do people even say “jingle” anymore? I learned that term from Full-house because Uncle Jesse was a jingle writer. Well, I’m not sure if I necessarily have a “knack” for remembering jingles. I do know the “Oh Jenny!” song. I’ll sing it. I will.

So, what’s up with no more tears? My last post had me all weepy about the cancellation of 97.1 FreeFM. Well, I feel so opposite from that now. If anything, I’m almost embarrassed about my lack of foresight because Adam’s podcast premiered last week as #1 on iTunes with about 300,000 downloads on the first day. Of course, I’ve been listening and the podcasts are awesome. I HIGHLY recommend everyone listen.