Category Archives: music

Jimmy Kimmel Live – The Bird and the Bee perform "Love Letter to Japan"

So good! And the show last night at the Natural History Museum was great too but I’ll share more later because I’m sick and my whole body hurts rights now.

happy Chinese New Year! Celebrate with Leno and The Bird and the Bee TONIGHT

I’m on serious crunch time right now. Applications are due in six days and I have so much to share with you reader (Kylie or Wendy). But before I open up my story fragments that’s supposed to make up my autobiographical statement, I had to drop a note to say

DON’T MISS Wendy and her friends perform in transparent dresses as The Bird and the Bee on Leno tonight. I’ve already set my Tivo to record for ten minutes longer and to “Keep until I delete.”

Also, happy new year of my people! It’s the Year of the Ox. It’s especially bittersweet for me to wish this new year because I was just in Taiwan last week for my grandmother’s funeral. She was such an awesome woman…it was a sad but fun visit because I got to spend time with family I rarely see. I’ll post pictures soon, as in February 2, the day after my due date. Yes, when I give birth to a completed graduate school application.

Oh, you know, just regular Taiwanese merchandise

One of the reasons I gained 5 pounds last week