Just as long as we’re together

I’m sick. Yes, all sick and twisted in the membrane. Ew. I know. I just had to do it, because I knew it’d gross Wendy out.  It grosses me out too. Hey hey! Personal shout out via blog post! Do people even say “shout out” anymore? Sheesh. If you’re wondering why I’m using all these cutesy terms, I’m asking myself the same thing. I have more important things to concern myself about, such as adult acne…I just stopped typing so I could touch my face with the back of my hand, to judge myself about any bumps on my face. So, let’s drop the sub.

By the way, I have nothing against Cypress Hill. In fact, I rather like them. In high school (maybe first year in college? I don’t know), Jenessa and I bartered some Cypress Hill tickets to some dudes who worked at the X-Large store or something. I think because it was a 21+ show, and we were only 18, or we had something more important to do that night? Anyway, that day, a couple dudes got some legit Cypress Hill tickets at the House of Blues, and a couple chicks got some new t-shirts.

I guess we can blame or THANK my cold/flu for my amusement about the abbreves (there I go again!)–I don’t know what it is. I don’t know if it’s a cold or a flu, but I know that it’s uncomfortable to the point where I used up two vacation/sick days because I was too exhausted to face the world without feeling dizzy or falling asleep.

Yes, it’s a persistent one, this cold (I’m just gonna call it a “cold” because the “cold/flu” thing is too laborious to me to type out every time. We all know what I’m talking about. If so inclined, I might use, “they.”). I’ve only left the house ONCE, in the last FIVE DAYS, because I had a laser hair removal appointment that I couldn’t reschedule because I’d already rescheduled it from sleeping through it on Saturday, which was the first day of my cold. Aside from that crucial appointment, I haven’t gone outside during these past five days, so I’ve entertained myself with sleeping and journaling.

You might be wondering what my blog title has to do with anything I’m rambling about right now. I was originally going to call this post, “Cabin Fever,” for obvious reasons. But as I started typing, I realized that I really DON’T have cabin fever, and being with myself for over 120 HOURS (I worked the calculator and 24 x 5 = 120)  is actually quite fun. So, I really don’t have “cabin fever.” I hope I don’t sound like a total blow-hard, but I do hope that if you ever catch this “cold,” you amuse yourself as much as I have.

I first heard of the term, “cabin fever,” from some young adult novel I read when I was 11 or so. I think it was Judy Blume’s Just As Long As We’re Together, but I’m not sure anymore, now that I’ve googled “Just As Long As We’re Together Cabin Fever” without the results I’m looking for. It doesn’t matter. Somehow, I linked the two.

Or we could get deeper and think about how you’re reading this, and if you’ve read this far (ew, a common stupid-blog-statement), you must really care about me. If so, I feel so honored. If not, I also feel honored. Good ol’ Judy. She writes good kid books and inspires good titles for my blog posts.

Well, this really turned out to be a freewrite that I’m sharing with you all. My original idea was to talk about how I was feeling down, and cabin-feverish, due to being sick, and share how awesome my L.A. trip was with some crappy pictures and anecdotes. When I say “crappy pictures,” it’s not a self-deprecating thing. I forgot to bring my camera, which happens when one packs a couple hours before her flight and is flinging clothes into a suitcase. But I had such an inspiring and happy week in L.A. last week, and I do wish to share with you. I’m tired, which is exciting because it’s only 10:42 pm, and I’ve been going to bed earlier these days. Goodnight!

4 responses to “Just as long as we’re together

  1. I thought I was the only one who remembered that Judy Blume book (and I think I remember the “cabin fever” reference too).

    I hope you get to feeling better.

    Take care!

    • Misty! Your comment made my night! First, I feel touched that you read my rambling bad writing. But i’m also thrilled that you may know the “cabin fever” reference. I believe one (or some) of the girls in the book wrote a song about having cabin fever.

      Thanks for your kind words!

  2. I hope you are able to sleep well.

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