I’m 33. How did I celebrate?

I’ve been a San Franciscan for exactly four weeks now, and I’ve been nonstop busy the whole time, so I still haven’t settled in to the new apartment (closet building, furniture assembly, etc.), much less, established much of a social base. So, I turned 33 on Saturday, and this was my first time commemorating my birthday alone. Don’t feel bad for me, because I had a productive and rewarding day. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you know that I kicked off the day with Salvation Army, Ikea, and Denny’s, in that order.

I dropped off a bunch of stuff at the Salvation Army, like my combination TV/VCR, and a rickety side table. Of course, I had to browse the books. There was a copy of Peter Walsh’s Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?, which I kind of regret not buying I’ve gained five pounds in these four weeks, and I wonder if all the stress of the moving clutter is part of the problem. I know I “should” be above being bothered about weight-gain, but I can’t help it…I’m a chick and quite vain. Plus, I miss fitting into my favorite clothes. However, I picked up these two gems. Plus, everything was 40% off. –
IMAG0040.jpg Valley of the Dolls book

Next stop, Ikea, to return a lamp I didn’t like that much, and to get some baskets for the four walnut EXPEDIT bookcases I assembled last week.

My appetite was perfectly timed, because right after I loaded up my car with my Ikea-ware, I was quite hungry, so I stopped at the Denny’s around the corner to get my free birthday Grand Slam.

Grand Slam picture from Dennys.com

I used to wonder who would be so pathetic to spend their birthday at Denny’s, and now I know! It was a trashy good time, and I saved $5.99, and it was actually really yummy.

I was so excited about all the money I saved,  I decided to stimulate the economy a little more, by buying this (PLEASE spare me the money-spending judgment):

My new bike

I’ll take better pictures, but I just took this one really quick on my phone. I can’t wait to take it out, after I get a helmet and a lock. Yay for me!!

Jenessa was out of town on my actual birthday, but she made up for it by taking me out for some afternoon drinks yesterday to enjoy the sunny day at Heart and Dagger Saloon’s patio.

Birthday drinks

2 responses to “I’m 33. How did I celebrate?

  1. ack! I LOVE the bike! And I miss you! Can’t wait to see you in Palm Springs!!!

  2. thanks Charisse! I love the bike. It rides so smoothly, and most importantly, it’s very cute. I know cuteness isn’t the most important thing in life, but for now, and for me, yes, it’s the most important. That’s such a crapola picture that I posted. I almost regret posting such an unbecoming visage. Perhaps I need to wipe the camera lens clean or something? So much work? It’s really the worst picture I’ve ever taken or shared with this phone. Yes, Palm Springs is approaching quickly! I’m excited to see you too.

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